Super Green Smoothie

This smoothie is a godsend for when I want to boost my energy levels and up my nutrients.

It’s packed with all the good stuff, is immune supporting (for all of us fighting off the coughs, colds and sniffles) and definitely gives you a pep in your step.

Life/Lazy Hack: a little prep will take you a long way. Chop a bunch of fresh ginger, peel and half the limes and store in the freezer. Grab a handful of spinach, ginger and lime straight from the freezer and it’s ready to go any time you want, no chopping needed.


  • 3 cubes frozen spinach (available in most supermarkets)

  • Thumb-size chunk of ginger (more if you want!)

  • 1 lime (whole and skin off)

  • Tablespoon chia seeds


1. Throw all ingredients into a nutri-bullet (use the taller nutri-bullet cup to add more water)

2. Add water to the 'max' line

3. Blend until smooth


Homemade Baked Beans


Health isn’t as Simple as Nutrition