Health isn’t as Simple as Nutrition
Yes, a nutritional therapist did just say that. Health isn’t as simple as nutrition alone. Health is a multifaceted approach.
Speaking from a personal point of view, when I see my nutrition and healthy habits slipping, I can usually pinpoint one (or a few) areas in my life that connect and show me where things have gone wrong:
Worrying about something
A stressful or major life event
Getting stuck in a rut
Not moving my body each day (thinking I have to do an hour long busting your ass gym class rather than just stepping outside the door for a few minutes of fresh air)
Spending too much time online
All of these can add up to me letting my good habits slide, things which I know keep me mentally and physically happy. They get tossed aside and the excuses start creeping in (I’m too tired, too busy, have too much going on...)
This is why it’s not just a matter of ‘if i just get my 5 a day in everything will be ok.’ (although it’s a good start)
The mind-body connection is beyond incredible and something we all can take for granted.
Look back at your pie chart of your life (see my previous post) and get real with yourself.
What areas are thriving and what areas are not?
Ask yourself again what are the areas that I want to work on?
What specifically in those areas do I want to work on?
What can I do today, or this week to begin?